CAD Files Available Online
SMT has created and distributed its updated and consolidated catalog to assist customers in their product research and understanding of the available bearings they provide. Now also making their CAD files available online for customer use, SMT has taken the next step in prioritizing customer satisfaction and creating true transparency.

SMT’s Updated Catalog for Easy Product Research
Nankai Seiko Co., Ltd., the manufacturers of the SMT brand of ball bearings, have recently made their new ball bearing catalog available to customers. SMT’s consolidated 2023 ball bearing catalog aims to increase customer satisfaction and trust by more clearly organizing and listing its bearing selection, product series, customization options, and examples of use and improvement.
SMT specializes in stainless steel and specialty bearings for a variety of industries and applications. This updated product catalog also has callout sections for special environments and applications, specified grease and clearance, and special designs and various material types so customers can get more in-depth information on their particular situations. SMT also focuses on small lot special orders to reduce delivery times to customers and offers bearing support services like free diagnosis and solution improvement to implement.

SMT’s CAD Files Are Now Available Online
SMT has made its CAD files for various types of ball bearings available online. Now customers can access valuable, comprehensive information about their bearings or gather information about bearings before they purchase. Customers have the option to download the CAD file and also download the PDF datasheet so they can access the information anytime, anywhere.
Having CAD files and datasheets available online allows customers to have immediate access to technical information about their bearing products and allows them to see and track any changes that are made to a specific bearing. Now, regardless if a customer has updated CAD software they use, they can still access SMT’s bearing CAD files and data to maintain their product records.
SMT continues to be a leader in the ball bearing industry while continuing to prioritize customer satisfaction and trust. Based on the principles of “Originality,” “Development Power,” and “Speed,” Nankai Seiko Co., Ltd. continues to provide various, high quality bearings to meet each customer’s needs.