How Bearings Improve Warehouse Stability

by | May 12, 2015 | Tips and Advice

Sometimes, going green can mean that your business will save some green. It’s a major reason why warehouse efficiency is such a big topic right now.


Energy costs can account for 15% or more of a warehouse’s operating budget, so it makes sense to become more energy efficient. Windows, lighting, and doors are common things to consider when it comes to making your warehouse more energy efficient. But have you thought about how bearings – specifically low-friction bearings – can have an impact.

Take stratification, for example.

We all know hot air rises. In some warehouses, temperatures between the floor and ceiling differ by 20 degrees Fahrenheit or more. In order to keep your employees – who are on the floor level – more comfortable, your heating system needs to constantly run, costing you a lot of money in the process.  

If you’ve taken the time to choose the proper bearing for your application and properly mounted it, your equipment will give off less heat. Less heat makes it easier to regulate a consistent temperature in the warehouse, which cuts your energy costs.


Let’s face it. Bearing grease is not the most environmentally friendly material. But you can reduce the amount you need – and by extension reduce your environmental impact – by choosing the proper bearings for your application.

Because bearings reduce friction, they put less strain on the lubricating grease. Because you can extend the life of the grease, you use less of it over time. This means you have less “old grease” to throw out.

And, of course, if you need to buy less of something, you’ve got more cash to invest in other areas of your business. Sounds like a win-win to us!


Buying and using the appropriate bearings reduces friction and waste. This can have a major impact on sustainability and your bottom line.

Ready to learn more about how Ritbearing can help your business go green while saving some green? Give us a call at 1-800-431-1980 or contact us online today.